Authors: Ciullo S, Mason LH, Judd L
Title: Persuasive quick-writing about text: Intervention for students with learning disabilities
Source: Behavior Modification 2021 45(1): 122-146
Year: 2021
Research Design: Single Case Design

Researchers examined the effects of self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) to teach students with learning disabilities (LD) to compose persuasive quick-writing about text. The study included a multiple-baseline design with multiple probes for eight students with LD in grades four and five. Researchers observed a functional relationship by systematically replicating the intervention across all student participants. Following SRSD instruction for paraphrasing text and persuasive quick-writing, students increased their persuasive writing outcomes. Improvements were also noted for essay quality and writing length. Implications for future integrated writing and reading interventions are provided.

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