Authors: Terzopoulos AR, Niolaki GZ, Masterson J
Title: Intervention for a lexical reading and spelling difficulty in two Greek-speaking primary age children
Source: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2020 30(3): 371-392
Year: 2020
Research Design: Single Case Design

An intervention study was carried out with two nine-year-old Greek-speaking dyslexic children. Both children were slow in reading single words and text and had difficulty in spelling irregularly spelled words. One child was also poor in non-word reading. Intervention focused on spelling in a whole-word training using a flashcard technique that had previously been found to be effective with English-speaking children. Post-intervention assessments conducted immediately at the end of the intervention, one month later and then five months later showed a significant improvement in spelling of treated words that was sustained over time. In addition, both children showed generalisation of improvement to untrained words and an increase in scores in a standardised spelling assessment. The findings support the effectiveness of theoretically based targeted intervention for literacy difficulties.

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