Authors: Favot K, Carter M, Stephenson J
Title: The Effects of Oral Narrative Intervention on the Personal Narratives of Children with ASD and Severe Language Disorder
Source: Journal of Behavioral Education 2021 30(1): 37-61
Year: 2021
Research Design: Single Case Design

A multiple baseline with probe across participants design was used to investigate the effects of an oral narrative intervention on early developing personal narratives of four children aged 6 and 7 with autism spectrum disorder and severe language disorder. The individual intervention targeted the narrative macrostructure elements of "where," "who with," "what happened" and "feelings." Intervention involved the use of individual photographs to support each narrative, macrostructure icons, participants telling the entire narrative each session, and modeling. Using variations of the intervention, an intervention and maintenance effect using untaught narratives was demonstrated for three participants, and some evidence for generalization across settings, people, and stimuli was demonstrated for one participant. Social validity measures indicated that an objective naive observer rated post-intervention narratives as better. Areas for future research include implementing intervention to better provide for generalization of skills, delivering intervention to small groups, and classroom teachers implementing the intervention.

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