Authors: Boster JB, McCarthy JW, Benigno JP, Ottley J, Spitzley AM, Montgomery J
Title: Increasing reciprocal social interactions using collaborative art activities: An intervention for children with complex communication needs and their peers
Source: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2022 24(2): 145-155
Year: 2022
Research Design: Single Case Design

Purpose: Children with complex communication needs who require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies to communicate have difficulty participating in interactions with their peers. Integrating a collaborative learning framework with art activities may facilitate social interactions between children with complex communication needs and their peers. Method: A single-subject withdrawal design was utilised to examine the impact of collaborative art activities on reciprocal social interactions between 2 dyads of participants with complex communication needs and their same-age peers. Additional dependent variables included the roles of participants with complex communication needs in interactions (initiator or responder), AAC modalities (unaided, aided, natural speech), and engagement. Result:Tau-U calculations for Dyad 1 demonstrated 64% improvement from baseline, indicating moderate effects with the collaborative art activity (Intervention One) and 100% improvement, indicating strong effects following the activity enhanced with photography (Intervention Two). Dyad 2 demonstrated 100% improvement from baseline following Intervention One and 96% improvement following Intervention Two, indicating strong effects. Conclusion: Both collaborative art activities demonstrated potential for facilitating social interactions for children with complex communication needs and their peers.

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