Authors: Laubscher E, Barwise A, Light J
Title: Effect of Video Augmentative and Alternative Communication Technology on Communication During Play With Peers for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Source: Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 2022 53(4): 1101-1116
Year: 2022
Research Design: Single Case Design

PURPOSE: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at risk for exclusion from play with their peers due to difficulty with communication skills. Video augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology has the potential to support communication within the context of play using videos with integrated visual scene displays. This study investigated the effect of a video AAC intervention on the number of turns in which children with ASD demonstrated symbolic communication during interactions with a peer without disabilities. Maintenance of skills, generalization to untrained play scenarios, and stakeholder perceptions of the video AAC technology were also investigated. METHOD: This study used a single-case, multiple-probe design across participant dyads. It included baseline, intervention, maintenance, and generalization phases. Six children with ASD and six peers participated in the study. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: All six participants with ASD demonstrated an increase in the number of turns in which they demonstrated at least one symbolic communication act following intervention, although one participant demonstrated variability in baseline performance, making it difficult to draw conclusions. Results provide preliminary evidence that instruction with video AAC technology can support communication for children with ASD during play interactions with peers.

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