Authors: Wadams A, Mozeiko J
Title: M-MAT Meta: Treatment of Self-Awareness and Language for Individuals With Severe Wernicke’s Aphasia
Source: American Journal of Speech Language Pathology 2024 33(6): 3358
Year: 2024
Research Design: Single Case Design

PURPOSE: In this study, we evaluated the feasibility and efficacy of language plus goal management training program for individuals with aphasia. The intervention targeted expressive language, while concurrently integrating tasks designed to improve executive function and error awareness. METHOD(S): A single-subject repeated-measures design was utilized to determine whether a combined treatment (Multi-Modal Aphasia Therapy PLUS Goal Management Training [M-MAT Meta]) would be efficacious for individuals with aphasia. This article reports on two participants with severe Wernicke's aphasia, who comprised one of the four dyads of the study. Treatment was administered in a small group setting (N = 2) for 2 hr per day, 3 days per week for 4 weeks. Individual video feedback sessions were conducted once a week. Analysis of outcomes included visual inspection and calculation of Tau-U effect sizes of probed treatment data as well as statistical analysis of standardized language and executive function assessments. RESULT(S): Visual inspection indicated improvements in naming and discourse skills, which were maintained at the 1-month follow-up. Both participants' standardized scores indicated a significant decrease in aphasia severity, which was maintained 1 month posttreatment. Error awareness improved for one of the two participants, but this improvement was not maintained. Participants demonstrated increased inhibition of unwanted responses and took longer on the planning and problem-solving time required to complete the assessment, indicating a decrease in impulsivity. CONCLUSION(S): The results of this preliminary study suggest that M-MAT Meta may be an effective way to increase self-awareness and communication in individuals with severe Wernicke's aphasia.

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