Authors: Maneta A, Marshall J, Lindsay J
Title: Direct and indirect therapy for word sound deafness
Source: International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 2001 36(1): 91-106
Year: 2001
Research Design: Single Case Design

This paper evaluates two therapy programmes conducted with PK, an aphasic individual with word sound deafness. The first aimed directly to improve discrimination skills, using minimal pair tasks supported with lip reading. Disappointingly, there were no changes on discrimination tests after this therapy, even when PK could benefit from lip reading information. The second, indirect, programme of therapy aimed to change the communication behaviours of PK's wife. Strategies such as writing and simplifying information were modelled and practiced. A detailed information booklet, outlining the target strategies and explaining PK's main strengths and weaknesses supported the programme. Evaluation of this therapy involved pre- and post-therapy analysis of interactions between PK and his wife, with biographical questions forming the basis of the interactions. There were several changes after therapy on this measure. The number and length of communication breakdowns were reduced, and more questions were answered accurately. This study suggests that, in some cases of severe word sound deafness, indirect therapies may be most effective.

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