Authors: Wambaugh JL, Martinez AL, Alegre MN
Title: Qualitative changes following application of modified response elaboration training with apraxic-aphasic speakers
Source: Aphasiology 2001 15(10-11): 965-976
Year: 2001
Research Design: Single Case Design

The purpose of this study was to examine the qualitative changes in verbal productions of two apraxic-aphasic speakers who had exhibited positive changes in content production following application of Response Elaboration Training (RET). Picture descriptions and personal recounts were analysed utilising a modification of the procedures developed by Saffran, Berndt, & Schwartz, 1989. Results revealed that the use of nouns was predominately greater than any other lexical type at the beginning and the end of treatment for both participants. The majority of the gains made in increased production of content took the form of nouns. One speaker showed increases in other lexical types (i.e., verbs, articles, personal pronouns) as well. Increased use of constructions such as noun phrases and verb phrases were also noted.

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