Authors: McNeil MR, Doyle PJ, Spencer K, Goda AJ, Flores D, Small SL
Title: Effects of training multiple form classes on acquisition, generalization and maintenance of word retrieval in a single subject
Source: Aphasiology 1998 12(7-8): 575-585
Year: 1998
Research Design: Single Case Design

A study by M. R. McNeil et al. (1997) reported no generalization effects in 2 individuals with aphasia following application of a word finding treatment in which Ss were trained sequentially on lexical items arranged by form class. The present investigation examined whether training on lexical items from a variety of form classes concurrently would result in greater response generalization than was observed previously in this 63 yr old male S with aphasia. Results replicated earlier findings with positive acquisition and maintenance effects and little evidence of generalization to untrained items within or across form classes.

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