Authors: Thompson CK, Hall HR, Sison CE
Title: Effects of hypnosis and imagery training on naming behavior in aphasia
Source: Brain and Language 1986 28(1): 141-153
Year: 1986
Research Design: Single Case Design

The effects of hypnosis and imagery training on the naming behavior of three subjects with Broca's aphasia were investigated using a multiple baseline design across subjects. Treatment consisted of the induction of hypnosis, followed by guided imagery focused on the physical and functional attributes of stimulus objects. Measures of naming ability on both trained and untrained items were taken at baseline, after every training session, and a few hours after training each day. Measures were also taken of imagery ability, hypnotic susceptibility, and psychological state. Results indicated that treatment facilitated improvement in naming ability, over baseline level, for two subjects. In the case of the third subject, the verbal label was incorporated into the imagery procedure following 10 training sessions. Subsequently, this subject's naming behavior improved over baseline level. The results are discussed in terms of current theory and research in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.

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