Authors: Steele RD, Kleczewska MK, Carlson GS, Weinrich M
Title: Computers in the rehabilitation of chronic, severe aphasia: C-VIC 2.0 cross-modal studies
Source: Aphasiology 1992 6(2): 185-194
Year: 1992
Research Design: Single Case Design

Describes the computer-assisted visual communication 2.0 computer system (C-VIC) for use by severe, chronic aphasic patients and gives an account of its use in helping a 50-yr-old male, globally aphasic patient in a cooking-related task. In this controlled study, cross-modal comparisons were conducted of acontextual execution of single steps, delivered in C-VIC, spoken, and written modalities. The S was able to respond to commands at criterion level only in the C-VIC condition. Learning appeared to occur without feedback or training.

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