Authors: Petheram B
Title: Exploring the home-based use of microcomputers in aphasia therapy
Source: Aphasiology 1996 10(3): 267-282
Year: 1996
Research Design: Case Series

The results of an investigation involving the installation of a microcomputer-based aphasia treatment system in the homes of 10 dysphasic stroke victims are reported. This study is a follow-up to a previous investigation and aims to explore issues raised by those outcomes. The design of the computer system was changed to address concerns about poor matching of material to the abilities of the subjects. This was done by monitoring each patients performance while using the system, and by automatically varying the level of difficulty of the material accordingly. In addition, the treatment material was especially written for this system. The results offer further evidence of the feasibility of this therapy and of the patients' willingness to engage in it. The distribution of patient effort across the material was much more even than in the earlier trials, suggesting that dynamic matching of difficulty is effective. There was wide variation in performance change among Ss on system-administered tasks, which was not reflected in standardized language measures.

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