Managing Search Results

View Search Results

Enter search terms in the keyword box and/or drop-down menus and then click on the “search button”.

Simple search in the homepage

Advanced Search

View Article Details

Click on the “title link” from the search results.

Sort Results

Sort results by using the arrows next to the headings to sort results by authors, title, source, year of publication, research design, rating score, or access. The default order for search results is by research design (level of evidence) and then by rating score.

Move Between Results Page

Use the “Page Numbers”, “First/Previous” and “Next/Last” buttons to navigate between search results pages.

Show More Results

To increase the number of search results that are displayed on the page, use the “Show Entries” dropdown menu on the top left, default is 10 per page.

Adding Papers to Your Selected Articles List and Viewing Your Selected Articles List

To add papers to your selected articles list, check the box at the right of the reference in the list of search results.

You can add all the references on a search results page by checking the select all check box at the top.

Click on the “Show selected articles” button. You need to do this to be able to export/download references.

Remove Papers From Your Selected Articles List

Click the trash icon on the right of each article to select articles that you wish to remove from your “Selected articles” list.

Clear Selected Articles List

Click on “Clear selection” button. 

Print List of Articles

Click “Print”, browser pop-up will appear for you to be able to print.

Email Articles

Click the “Email” text and enter your email address.

Save Articles to Your Computer

Click “Save”. This will create a text file (.txt) that you can then save to your computer.

Export Articles to ris for EndNote Import

Follow these steps:

1) Click on the “Export” button a .ris file will be downloaded.
2. To import references into EndNote, choose reference manager (ris) from the list of filters.


Export Data to Covidence

To export records from speechBITE to Covidence, you will need to first download data to Endnote. The Endnote file created from speechBITE can then be uploaded to Covidence.